publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.
CIBMRm-LR: A long-range-based deep learning model for predicting multiple types of RNA modificationsComputers in Biology and Medicine, 2023
CIBMDrugormerDTI: Drug Graphormer for drug–target interaction predictionComputers in Biology and Medicine, 2023
JCIMCACPP: A Contrastive Learning-Based Siamese Network to Identify Anticancer Peptides Based on Sequence OnlyJournal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2023
AdvancedScienceExplainable Deep Hypergraph Learning Modeling the Peptide Secondary Structure PredictionADVANCED SCIENCE, 2023
NARDeepBIO: an automated and interpretable deep-learning platform for high-throughput biological sequence prediction, functional annotation and visualization analysisNUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 2023
BioinformaticsExamPle: explainable deep learning framework for the prediction of plant small secreted peptidesBioinformatics, 2023
BIBSiameseCPP: a sequence-based Siamese network to predict cell-penetrating peptides by contrastive learningBRIEFINGS IN BIOINFORMATICS, 2022
Genome BiologyiDNA-ABF: multi-scale deep biological language learning model for the interpretable prediction of DNA methylationsGENOME BIOLOGY, 2022
BioinformaticsPredicting protein-peptide binding residues via interpretable deep learningBioinformatics, 2022
MethodsMouse4mC-BGRU: Deep learning for predicting DNA N4-methylcytosine sites in mouse genomeMETHODS, 2022
BIBAccelerating bioactive peptide discovery via mutual information-based meta-learningBRIEFINGS IN BIOINFORMATICS, 2022
BioinformaticsiDNA-ABT: advanced deep learning model for detecting DNA methylation with adaptive features and transductive information maximizationBIOINFORMATICS, 2021